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Committee Recruitment

Thank you for your interest in joining one or more Ontario REALTORS Care® Foundation Committee(s).

Boardroom table with people sitting around it

Apply for Up to Three Committees

You may use the form below to apply for up to three Committees in order of preference, with the first one you choose being your first choice.

Important Dates

Applications open on January 27, 2025 and close on April 3, 2025. You will be notified if you’ve been selected to serve on a Committee by April 25, 2025. If selected, you will serve for one year from the date you were selected.

Before applying, please read the following Committee descriptions:

The Finance and Audit Committee oversees the financial reporting and audit functions of the Ontario REALTORS Care® Foundation. These responsibilities include ensuring that the financial statements are in good standing and accurate, oversee the audit process, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors on any financial changes for the Foundation.

The Governance Task Force is responsible for ensuring that the Foundation and the Board of Directors operates effectively in accordance with the Ontario REALTORS Care® Foundation’s mission and governing documents. In 2025, this committee will be tasked with reviewing and making recommendations to the Board of Directors for changes to our existing Policy Manual.

The Grants and Awards Committee provide oversight for the Every REALTOR® Campaign and makes recommendations to the Finance and Audit Committee for the yearly distribution of funds. This committee also helps select the annual Ontario REALTORS Care® Foundation’s Real Heart Award recipients and establish criteria for new program initiatives.

The Fund Development Committee supports the work of the Ontario REALTORS Care® Foundation in raising its profile and increasing the revenue generated through new and existing events. In 2024, the Foundation implemented a new Fundraising plan to support the growth of the Foundation and the work on new program development will begin in 2025.

Mailing Address
Board Memberships
In order of preference, please select the committee(s) you are interested to serve on